Do Beliefs Matter?

Beliefs Matter

At Immanuel, we believe that theology, doctrine, and beliefs are essential. Is the Bible true? What percentage? Is the Bible God’s inspired Word for humanity? What about the family? Is the biblical model laid out in Genesis obsolete today? What is God’s blueprint for the family? Is the Trinity real? How does God communicate with humanity today? You see, you may be surprised years later without knowing what a church believes upfront.

We believe doctrine and theology are important.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe the Bible is 100% accurate and is the inspired Word of God.
  • We believe the model laid out in Genesis is God’s blueprint for humanity.
  • We believe taking any life is murder.
  • We believe that Jesus is the One and only Son of God.
  • We believe the Gospel story is true. That Jesus came, lived a perfect life, and was crucified. He died, was placed in a tomb and defeated death and sin when He arose three days later. The central truth of the Gospel is that God has provided a way of salvation for humanity through the gift of His Son to the world. Jesus suffered as a sacrifice for sin, overcame death, and now offers a share in His triumph to all who will accept it. The Gospel is good news because it is a gift of God, not something that must be earned by penance or by self-improvement (Jn 3:16Rom 5:8–11II Cor 5:14–19Tit 2:11–14).
  • We believe that Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Jehovah God compose the Trinity.
  • Many more of our beliefs are posted below.

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